Writers SA is presenting a whole month of poetry in the Limestone Coast this March, with in-person and online workshops, and regional Fringe performances, through the No Limits program. The Limestone Coast program in March features performances of Caroline Reid’s SIARAD for Fringe Mount Gambier, an open mic event for Naracoorte Fringe with guest poet Emelia Haskey, […]
In 2022 Raining Poetry in Adelaide is extending into regional South Australia through a special collaboration with the Writers SA’s No Limits Program. Writers SA are calling for poetry submissions from writers living anywhere in regional South Australia, with poems set to magically appear in selected locations when it rains. Enter here Submission Guidelines: We […]
In the Margins is a collaborative reading project by the Writers SA regional team through the No Limits program for writers and word lovers aged 30 or under, living in regional South Australia. In the Margins is about connecting young regional readers through a supported network and shared outcome. The project will be facilitated virtually […]
We are delighted to announce the selected writers for our Limestone Coast No Limits commission project Our Words, Our Town. Our Words, Our Town is a creative response to living on the Limestone Coast as a young person in 2022 — the challenges and hardships of being a young person in a regional location but […]
We are delighted to announce the selected writers for our No Limits commission This Breath. This Breath is a creative response to a moment in time – this moment in time – by young people living in regional South Australia. An opportunity to reflect and to capture what has been for many a difficult time […]
Through the No Limits Program, Writers SA is calling regional storytellers from the Limestone Coast aged 12-29 to express interest in a new commission. Selected writers will be paid to respond to their experience of living in the Limestone Coast in 500-1000 words of their choosing — the challenges and hardships of being a young […]
Through the No Limits Program, Writers SA is calling all regional storytellers aged 12-29 to express interest in a new commission. Selected writers will be paid to write a short piece in any form of their choosing (poetry, song, comic page, short story, diary entry etc) responding to the last two years in a creative […]
KEEP ACROSS THE PROJECT ON OUR DIGITAL WRITER IN RESIDENCE BLOG In March 2016 David Chapple, Writing Development Manager, SA Writers Centre, will be on the road to deliver a new writing and storytelling project to communities, artists and artsworkers across South Australia. Supported by Arts South Australia’s Community Arts and Cultural Development project fund, […]
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