Ahead of her upcoming online program Manuscript Incubator, we chatted to much-loved Australian fantasy author Isobelle Carmody
Ahead of her upcoming online workshop on writing powerful scenes, we chatted with Brooke about the workshop, her writing, and more.
Bronwyn Tilley (writing as Bronwyn Stuart) is a multi-published award-winning author of 19 novels, novellas and short stories in both contemporary and historical romantic fiction, traditionally published and self-published. She is an advocate for fair deals for authors and a font of knowledge about the literary industry both here in Australia and overseas, and is […]
Rose Hartley graduated from the Clarion Writers’ Workshop in San Diego, and has been awarded a Varuna fellowship and residencies at Writers SA and Manning Clark House, and was selected for the Hachette Mentoring Program. Her short story ‘No Other Men in Mitchell’ was nominated for an Australian Shadows Award and her poem ‘Metal Fume […]
Writers Centres welcome $19.3 million for Writers Australia in new National Cultural PolicyThe National Writers Centre Network (NWCN) has welcomed the Albanese Government’s National Cultural Policy, Revive, launched in Melbourne today by Arts Minister Tony Burke. The Policy includes the creation of a new body called Writers Australia located within the re-fashioned Australia Council for […]
As 2022 comes to a close, we’re taking a moment to reflect on another big and inspiring year at Writers SA in pictures. From our writing events all over the state as part of No Limits, to the Deaf writers group performance event See Me Through My Hands, to Context Writers Festival in Adelaide, we […]
Writers SA is making some changes to our membership pricing structure. In the decades since our inception in 1985 as the first writers centre in Australia, Writers SA has maintained the same membership structure and pricing. And yet, the quality and amount of program offerings has consistently improved, delivering better outcomes and services to our […]
We are so delighted to share that the Writers SA No Limits: Young Regional Writers project won Outstanding Regional Event or Project at the Arts South Australia Ruby Awards on Friday night. No Limits: Young Regional Writers exists to connect, inspire, and build the capacity of young regional writers, and we are grateful to have […]
Writers SA and Varuna the National Writers’ House are delighted to announce the 2022 recipient of our SA First Nations Writers Fellowship is established artist and emerging writer Katherine Bell. Kat will be spending a week in the Blue Mountains, writing and developing her craft, with seven nights at Varuna, a $300 travel subsidy, and […]
We have an exciting opportunity to join Writers SA as our Program Manager, starting in January 2023. The Program Manager is the key creative programming role at Writers SA. Based anywhere in South Australia, the Program Manager oversees a statewide program of literary skills development courses and author events to promote, develop and showcase writing […]
Dear You Writers SA and D’faces are teaming up to celebrate the voices of young regional LGBTQIA+ people as part of this year’s Feast Festival. We are inviting all LGBTQIA+ young people aged 15 – 29 in regional South Australia to write and submit a letter to your past or future self. Your letter can […]
Board Members (Finance) We are seeking to co-opt up to two new Board members with expertise in the area of fundraising including philanthropy, sponsorship, donations or other donor development. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a new area of the organisation’s development building on our history, our strong reputation, and our engaged membership. […]
Come and chat with Writers SA Riverland Coordinator, Kirste Vandergiessen, about your writing projects, goals, dreams and challenges. The series of library drop-in sessions across the Riverland will give local writers the opportunity to share their writing aspirations, discuss challenges and ask questions. Sometimes, small unknowns, niggling questions or gaps in our experience can stop […]
Three special opportunities for regional LGBTQIA+ young writers, one special regional event for the 2022 Feast Festival. Here. Now. Feast. is a literary showcase celebrating the voices of queer regional young people from across South Australia. Featuring readings of new poetry, stories, letters, speeches, and scripts commissioned and presented by Writers SA and D’faces for […]
National NAIDOC Week has begun, with events across Australia in the first week of July to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Support and get to know your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities through activities and events held in your area—here are just a […]
The latest literary news, events, opportunities, workshops, competitions and more, delivered weekly to your inbox.