2023 AGM

Notification of Annual General Meeting

Dear members,

The Writers SA (ABN 40783458265) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 6pm on Thursday 25 May, online via Zoom.

Call for Nominations:

The Writers SA Board of Management consists of eight members. All current financial members are eligible to nominate for the Board of Management. The term of office is two years, with four members expiring at each AGM. Board of Management members are unpaid, and must have a strong commitment to SA writers and writing.

Nominations [download the form here] for the Board of Management must be received in writing by 5pm Thursday 18 May 2023, emailed to [email protected].

This year there are five vacant positions, including those of board members who are renominating. If there are more nominees than positions available, there will be a vote. Voting information will be circulated via email to all members.

Current Board of Management:

Justyna Jochym (Chair), Tracy Crisp (Deputy Chair; Acting-Treasurer), Jane Howard, Rachel Spencer, David Meldrum, Tanya Wilkins, Nick Hays.

The 2023 Annual General Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome and apologies
  2. Minutes of 2022 AGM
  3. Annual Reports of 2022 activities
    1. CEO’s Report
    2. Chair’s Report
    3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Election of auditor for 2023
  5. Election of members to the Board of Management

Please RSVP your attendance.

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