We asked Twitter what was the best writing advice they’ve ever heard. He’s some useful tips we collated: David Grayson @sasanof “Find your own voice” Christopher Hitchens http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2011/06/christopher-hitchens-unspoken-truths-201106 … Janie Mac @jatosha If you’re stuck, that’s ok, but just write something, anything, for 10 minutes. Write first, edit later. #amwriting calanthe_b @calanthe_b […]
Recently, critically acclaimed author, Porochista Khakpour, visited us during 2015 Adelaide Writers’ Week to deliver a Creative Writing Masterclass. Here is some snapshots of the infinite wisdom she had to share with the attending writers. Check out the 2016 Adelaide Writers’ Week workshops here. There are many roads [in publishing] now but they all […]
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