We’re thrilled to announce the winner of the Writers SA Varuna Fellowship for Young Writers – Poppy Nwosu! We partnered with Varuna the National Writers’ House to give one young South Australian writer a new residency and development fellowship. Poppy will be spending a week in the Blue Mountains, working and developing her craft, as […]
Events and Workshops in Adelaide at SA Writers Centre Here’s your quick downloadable and shareable pdf events and workshop guide: Events and Workshops – August Events & Workshops – September (more…)
Award-winning South Australian author Dr Cath Kenneally has been named as the inaugural Copyright Agency (CAL) J.M. Coetzee Writing Fellow at the University of Adelaide. (more…)
In the middle of this year SA Writers Centre launched their Artists in Schools project with Adelaide High School [AHS]. An anthology called #Radelaide: Stories from Adelaide High – and the fruition of this project – is being launched on Friday 28 November at the SA Writers Centre. (more…)
By Vanessa Jones This year I really had no excuse not to go to the 10th Emerging Writers Festival at the end of May. I was invited to be part of a panel, my Adelaide and Melbourne writing buddies would be there and I could go to represent the SA Writers Centre. So far, this has been one […]
by Kerryn Goldsworthy JOIN KERRYN FOR THE WORD FOR WORD WORKSHOP IN JANUARY. * Remember that ‘place’ is an elastic term: it could mean ‘Australia’ or ‘Adelaide’ or ‘the Beehive Corner’ or ‘the place I came off my bike when I was ten’. * When describing a place, try to emphasise the features that are […]
By Ben Brooker One of our recent Writers in Residence, Ben Brooker, discusses his residency. In the first two decades of the 20th century, James Joyce used one of the upstairs rooms at the now legendary Shakespeare and Company bookshop on Paris’s Left Bank as his personal office. There, he wrote Ulysses, universally regarded as […]
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