Experiments in Digital Fiction Video

Writing Australia, the collaborative network of state writers’ centres, including ACT, NSW, NT, SA, Tasmania and Victoria, launched our new Digital Writers in Residence program in June this year.

The first Digital Writer in Resident was South Australian writer, Jennifer Mills.

During her June residency, Jennifer Mills tweeted via (@digitalwir), blogged (writersinresidence.wordpress.com), hosted a live Q&A for regional writers on writing craft, working online and how to sustain your writing practice in regional locations, engage our online writing community through weekly writing challenges, and trial creative writing experiments through social media.

At the end of the residency she hosted a final live reading and evaluation session online.

You can view Experiments in Digital Fiction online here if you missed it.


This project has been assisted by the  Australian  Government  through  the  Australia  Council  for  the  Arts,  its  arts funding  and  advisory  body.

Australia Council


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