By Sarah Gates Being funny on the page is very different to cracking jokes in real life. It’s a skill that can be learned and practiced. You don’t need a natural knack for one liners or comedic timing. Situational humour I think it was Oscar Wilde that once said, humour occurs in two situations: Where […]
By Piri Eddy As the saying goes, ‘Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction.’ But for most of us, our lives don’t consist of car chases and explosions, or thrilling plot twists and tensely built narratives. Heck, most of us don’t even split our pants down the middle bending over for a dollar on the sidewalk. […]
By Lia Weston Continued on from a previous post Nothing makes my heart sink like an ‘HILARIOUS LoL LoL OMG SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ email forward. Guaranteed to fulfil none of the subject line promises, it tends to fall into one of two camps: ‘women are smart and funny, while men are crap at taking directions’ (if […]
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