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Agony Author March 2023
Welcome to Writers SA’s member-only literary advice column, where our experts respond to your questions about writing, publishing, the literary life and beyond. Got a question? Ask us here. For this installment of Agony Author, Josie Hoffmann asks:“What is the best way to allocate daily writing sessions, and actually stick to the plan!?” Dear Josie, The short answer is select a time you know you’ll be able to sit down and work, shut everything else off and set a timer. Finish in the middle of a sentence so the next day, you’re dropping straight into it. And if you want to structure your time like this, don’t reread what you wrote the day before. No editing as you go! Be selfish with your hour and just get words on the page! The longer, more complicated answer is: as an author I honestly believe the most damaging advice given to newer