Due to the recent cases of COVID-19 in South Australia and new restrictions, there have been changes to our upcoming in-person events to protect the health and safety of our community.
Writers SA continues to monitor the developing situation in SA and we adhere to all advice from the South Australian government and SA Health related to the pandemic.
There have been the following changes to our events:
- Work Space writing day is now postponed until further notice. All attendees have been contacted.
- Off the Page has been postponed until January 2021.
- December’s Magical Realism event with Vikki Wakefield is now closed for bookings but remains tentatively scheduled to proceed. If health advice changes and alters the delivery of this session, ticket holders will be notified immediately.
Please do not visit the Writers SA office as all staff will be working from home, contact us at [email protected] or phone 08 8223 7662.