Notification of Annual General Meeting
Dear members,
The SA Writers Centre Incorporated (ABN 40783458265) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 6pm on Monday 9 May 2016 at the SA Writers Centre, Level 2, 187 Rundle St Adelaide 5000.
Call for Nominations:
The SA Writers Centre Incorporated Board of Management consists of eight members. All current financial members are eligible to nominate for the Board of Management. The term of office is two years, with four members expiring at each AGM. Board of Management members are unpaid, and must have a strong commitment to SA writers and writing.
Nominations for the Board of Management must be received in writing by 5pm Monday 18 April 2016, addressed to The Director [email protected] or PO Box 43 Rundle Mall Adelaide 5000.
There are currently four nominees for the four Board positions: Susan Errington, Amy Matthews, Fiona Smith and Sandy Verschoor.
If there are more nominees than positions available, there will be a vote at the AGM. Voting information will be circulated at least 14 days prior to the AGM. If you are unable to attend, you may submit a proxy voting form. Please contact [email protected].
Current Board of Management:
Sandy Verschoor (Chair), Victoria Purman (Deputy Chair), Susan Errington (Treasurer), Patrick Allington, Rory Kennett-Lister, Amy Matthews, Fiona Smith, Tricia Walton.
The 2016 Annual General Meeting Agenda
- Welcome and apologies
- Minutes of 2015 AGM
- Annual Reports of 2015 activities
- Director’s Report
- Chair’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Election of auditor for 2016
- Election of members to the Board of Management
Please RSVP your attendance to [email protected] by COB Friday 6 May.