Sean’s Shorts – Sean Williams gives us some short, yet insightful, answers to a short Q&A about writing and reading. Sean will be a guest at our upcoming Children’s and YA Creators Festival, which is a festival not to be missed!
Favourite writing tip:
Write what you love: dive right in and don’t stop until it’s done. (Then fix it.)
Who/what you’re currently reading:
I’m reading a lot of YA speculative fiction at the moment to get me in the mood for what I’m writing.
Favourite character that you’ve written and why:
Clair from the Twinmaker series: she’s smart, stubborn, and loyal. Three excellent qualities.
What’s your favourite and least favourite part about your writing process?
Fave: writing. Least fave: waiting for the book to come out.
Sean Williams is the bestselling author of over forty novels and one hundred stories, including some set in the Star Wars and Doctor Who universes. His latest include Twinmaker: Fall and Troubletwisters: Missing, Presumed Evil, the latter co-written with Garth Nix. He lives just up the road from the best chocolate factory in Australia with his family and a pet plastic fish.