By Louise Pascale Blogs come in all shapes and forms. They can be one word, one sentence, one paragraph, one page or 10 pages. A blog is however long or short you wanting it to be, this is self-publishing. You decide. Yet how long you make your blog is really only one of the many […]
By Ben Brooker I don’t believe in giving advice to aspiring writers. I know this is a problematic way to begin a blog post in which I’ve been asked to dispense tips, but what else is one to say? Read. Lots. And write. Lots. There really is nothing else to be said. I do, however, […]
By Vikki Wakefield One of the questions most commonly asked of a writer is: where do you get your ideas from? Short answer: ideas are everywhere. An idea is the brilliant start to everything, a comet of the imagination, a blazing possibility that will fizzle and die if you don’t pay it some attention. The […]
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