Teresa Podemska – Abt

Teresa Podemska – Abt is a philologist/poet-writer/translator and a researcher-member of AIATSIS. She holds PhD, BEd, MEd – course/w. and MA degrees from Unis of South Australia, Adelaide and Wrocław. She creates in many genres, won a range of literary and academic prizes and has been published in Poland, Australia and Canada (e.g., Text Matters, Odra, Rozmowy o Komunikacji, Postscriptum Pol.)

Teresa Podemska – Abt is a philologist/poet-writer/translator and a researcher-member of AIATSIS. She holds PhD, BEd, MEd – course/w. and MA degrees from Unis of South Australia, Adelaide and Wrocław. She creates in many genres, won a range of literary and academic prizes and has been published in Poland, Australia and Canada (e.g., Text Matters, Odra, Rozmowy o Komunikacji, Postscriptum Pol.)

Books Published

Spaces of literary Wor(l)ds and Reality. Interpretation and reception of Aboriginal Literature

Uni of Zielona Góra Press (Zielona Góra) - 2016

Antologia Literatury Aborygeńskiej

Wyd. Krytyki Artystycznej (Kraków) - 2003

Żywe sny

Miniatura (Kraków) - 2002

see Austlit

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