Heather Millar

Heather Millar is a life story writer, biographer and ghostwriter based in Adelaide, South Australia. She is also an accredited editor specialising in memoir.

A former managing editor at publishing companies in London and Melbourne and a freelance journalist, Heather has always enjoyed interviewing people and weaving their thoughts and memories together into a coherent narrative that tells their tale.

Though she has ghostwritten an award-winning memoir for a leading publisher, many of her clients are self-publishing mainly for the family. Recent ghostwriting clients include Peter Cochrane OAM, owner of Cochrane’s Transport and the face behind the Variety Bash in South Australia, and Rojina McDonald, the owner of Soul Publishing.

Other clients have included a woman whose partner suffered from bipolar, was in and out of institutions and who eventually committed suicide; a 90-year-old woman who was losing her memories of growing up in Cyprus and wanted to record them before it was too late; and a middle-aged man with a brain tumour he called Eric, who died a few days after the last interview.

Heather is on the board of Life Stories Australia and a former board member of Australians Against Racism, for which she co-edited the books Dark Dreams and No Place Like Home – anthologies of stories by refugees.

Her articles have been published in Country Style, Fleurieu Living, Australian Natural Health, National Pharmacies’ Vital Health, HCF’s Health Agenda, medicSA (AMA) and more.

Books Published


Soul Publishing

Adelaide - 2018

Wine Beer & Spirits of the Fleurieu

Soul Publishing

Adelaide - 2021

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