Rose in San Diego

Previous Writer in Residence, Rose Hartley, has just been accepted into the 2015 Clarion Writers’ Workshop in San Diego! She’ll be studying the art of the science fiction/fantasy short story under the tutelage of Margo Lanagan and other awesome writers.

‘It’s all ’cause of the time I spent as writer in residence. After I won a poetry prize last year I got chatting to a prominent author at TWELVE, who told me to go to Conflux while I was in Canberra as part of the prize, and then he put me on to another writer who introduced me to Margo Lanagan, and then I met another Clarion graduate who inspired me to apply….etc etc the point being it wouldn’t have happened without the SA Writers Centre. So thanks, ya know, for being great,’ she said.

We’re so delighted for Rose and wish her great things! To read more about our Writers in Residence, please click here.

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