Young writers membership

$55 inc GST

Writers SA has joined with Express Media to create a joint membership and subscription offer for young people aged 25 and under, based in South Australia.

(please note that taking out this membership does not reduce the cost of The Teen Writers Club, and that the membership is auto-renewed unless you cancel it before the renewal date via the Express Media website)

The combined Express Media and Writers SA Membership is valued at $123 but costs only $55. It includes:

Benefits of an Express Media membership (valued at $25)

  • A subscription to the monthly Express Post e-newsletter packed full of the latest writing and publication opportunities
  • A PDF version of each issue of Voiceworks, delivered to your email each quarter
  • Discount to a print subscription of Voiceworks
  • Unlimited submissions to Express Media’s publications, prizes and fellowships
  • Unlimited access to Express Media’s courses, workshops and events

Benefits of an Writers SA membership (valued at $98)

Writers SA membership offers access to the writing industry and community. Plus, you will receive:

  • 30% discount off the non-member price of Writers SA events and workshops (excluding Teen Writers Club)
  • Discounts on all services including Manuscript Assessment and Consultations
  • Access to our members only Mentorship Program
  • Free member-only events, information sessions and networking opportunities
  • Information, advice and guidance from the Writers SA team
  • Promotional support including an online writer profile
  • Access to volunteer and interning opportunities
  • Member only resources 
  • Regular special offers, prizes and giveaways
  • Discount subscriptions to literary magazines, including Artlink, Griffith Review and Books+Publishing***
  • E-news, featuring opportunities, competitions, events and program information
  • if you are over 18, full membership gives you voting rights at our Annual General Meeting and the opportunity get involved with the Board of Management (if you are under 18, membership is associate-only, and does not include voting rights)

And don’t forget membership to your professional writing organisation looks great on your writing CV!

If you’re a writer aged 25 or under, take advantage of this offer and get the best from two of the country’s leading writing organisations.

This offer can be redeemed through the Express Media website.

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