We’re hiring: Writers SA to launch national literary journal in 2024

Are you our inaugural Editor?

In exciting news for the literary sector and readers, we’re thrilled to announce that we are now looking for a visionary editor to lead a new national literary journal to be launched this year.

Featuring the best in new fiction, non-fiction, poetry and literary criticism from Australian writers, the publication is a key milestone for South Australian literature, and the only print literary publication produced in the state.

Spearheaded by Writers SA’s outgoing CEO Jessica Alice, the journal is a partnership with the state’s three universities, Flinders University, UniSA and University of Adelaide, and receives funding support from Arts South Australia.

Alice said that the journal, whose title and online presence will be launched in May, represents a major shift in the national literary landscape.

“This new journal is Writers SA’s greatest ambition to date to support literary culture,” Alice said. “A visionary Editor is key to this project to publish progressive literary works from around Australia and provide a vital space for literary criticism.”

The editor will be supported by a volunteer editorial committee of eight, giving the journal a dual function of artistic output and vocational training for emerging editors.

About the role

Writers SA seeks an experienced Editor to lead a new national literary journal to be launched in 2024. The journal’s mission is to publish original, progressive works by Australian writers, with a special focus on literary criticism and material forms. The journal is committed to Indigenous sovereignty and justice, as well as a deep mapping of Yarta (place/Country). Operating out of Writers SA on Kaurna Country (Adelaide), it will be the only print literary publication produced in South Australia and has dual functions of artistic output and vocational training for emerging editors through its editorial committee.

Download the position description (PDF)

Note: The Editor must reside in South Australia. Writers SA offers a flexible working environment and the ability to work from home. The Editor position may be conducted remotely in any part of South Australia, however the Editor must be available for quarterly meetings with the Advisory Committee in Adelaide. We also welcome proposals for shared role (co-editors) models.

Application process

  • Applications must be submitted by midday 12pm Monday 4 March.
  • Applications must consist of a two-page (maximum) cover letter that includes responses to the KSC, a brief CV, and the names and contact details of three professional referees emailed as a single Word document or PDF with your name and the position title as the document’s name.
  • Applications should be sent to Operations Manager Bronwyn Tilley [email protected]

Key dates

  • Applications received by midday 12pm Monday 4 March.
  • Interviews will be held in the week of Monday 11 March. If you are unavailable at this time please advise when you will be available in your application.
  • Editor role start date in the week of Monday 8 April or earlier.

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