Nine young writers from across regional South Australia were selected for This Breath, a creative response to the past two years.
An opportunity to reflect and to capture what has been for many a difficult time to breathe – whether it was mass bushfires at the beginning of 2020, #blacklivesmatter, COVID or the ongoing climate crisis, the past two years will continue to shape the future of young people for decades to come.
Our selected writers responded to this moment in time through poetry, short stories, and memoir essay.
Readings of all nine creative pieces were recorded and shared as part of the 2022 National Young Writers Festival in October. Watch them here:
Each individual piece can also be viewed on the Writers SA YouTube here:
This Breath writers were also invited to share their work at a variety of in-person events across 2022, including SALT Festival in Port Lincoln, Miscellany in Renmark and ChillNChat in Mount Gambier.
The project culminated in the printing of a hardcopy zine, designed by Yorke Peninsula creative Rebecca Koch. 100 copies were distributed amongst the writers, special friends and other stakeholders.
If you missed out on a physical copy, you can download a PDF version of the zine here:
Congratulations to the writers of This Breath for their hard work: Britnie Hocking, Tayla Clarke, Anika Parenta, Maddy Nyp, Josh King, Isaac Goosey, Sarah Herrmann, Jess Weidenhofer, Poppy Moyle-Read.
And a big thank you to the following writers for providing mentor feedback and/or editing support to This Breath: Adam Cece, Heather Taylor-Johnson, Dan Thorsland, Manal Younus, Emelia Haskey, Kami McInnes, Jennifer Mills, Kathy Parker, Sarah Jane-Justice.
This Breath was delivered through the No Limits Young Regional Writers Program. No Limits was supported by Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund – an Australian Government initiative, and Arts South Australia.
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