Susan Murphy

Susan Murphy is a marriage celebrant, Justice of the Peace, professional development trainer and social media addict. She is currently a third year Bachelor of Writing and Creative Communications student at the University of South Australia. Her major is Adult and Community Education.

Susan has worked for the South Australian Government for 16 years and currently works in a community education team, looking after their Facebook and other communications initiatives. Her first book, Confetti Confidential: They Do, I Don’t was published by Harper Collins in February 2015 and book 2 in the series, ‘Annabel’s Wedding’ is set for release November 1st.

Susan is now turning her attention to a new project centred around a box full of letters her mother recently found while cleaning out her grandfather’s house. The letters, written in the time of World War 2, between her grandfather and grandmother and also his mother and other relatives, will be the starting point for a great love story and one that she hopes to write in the coming months as the Writer In Residence.

You can find Susan on her website and on Facebook.

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