Why Write Romance?


A Mills & Boon book is sold in the UK every 3 seconds


‘…the market is enormous, and almost every major publisher has a romance line. Most romances are mass market paperbacks. Most publishers will look at unsolicited unagented queries. Some will also take unsolicited manuscript submissions.’  Rebecca York

In the Us, romance fiction sales were estimated at $1.36 billion in 2009.

‘I love reading romance. But, I love writing romance even more—bringing two people together, even if it is only in my imagination. I love the stuttered heartbeats when the hero and heroine first meet—that first glance. Heck, I love the second and third glances!’ Sarah Grimm

Seven million romance novels are sold each year in the UK.

Here are some romance writing tips!

If you’re an avid reader or writer of romance fiction or you are ready to start crafting the words of lovers, then join us for our two day Romance Fair. We have two days of workshops, personal stories from the heart, discussion groups, a fun quiz night plus more! Please see here for more details, full program and bookings.

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