The Mozzie Poetry Prizes

The Mozzie is an independent poetry magazine that publishes over 400 poems a year. 2017 will be its twenty-fifth year of publication.

To celebrate, a supporter who wishes to remain anonymous has donated funds to allow us to award three prizes of $100 each. There will be –

  • one prize for what is judged the best poem by a regular contributor,
  • one prize for what is judged the best poem by a contributor who began sending us work after 1 January 2017 and
  • a prize for what is judged the best poem of twelve lines or fewer.

No need for entry forms. All poems received by post during the year 2017 are eligible.

Contributions should fit comfortably on an A4 page in 11 point type – that is a maximum of 40 lines long (including lines between stanzas) and 70 key-strokes wide.

Contributions should be legible hard copy printed on one side of A4 paper with the contributor’s name and full postal address on every sheet.

Judges will be the editors of The Mozzie, Ron Heard and Bill Henderson.

For more information email Ron Heard at [email protected]

Send contributions to

The Mozzie

28 Baynes Street

Highgate Hill

Queensland   4101

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