1st prize $200, 2nd prize $100, 3rd prize $50
Maximum 2000 words, open theme
No entry form needed
$7 entry fee
Closing date 31 August 2015
Conditions of entry:
- Entries must be typed in English, using one side of A4 paper, double spaced in standard typeface of 12pt minimum with generous margins.
- Title of entry and page number to appear on each page of manuscript. No names or addresses to appear on manuscripts. A separate cover sheet must be attached listing the title of the entry, author’s name, address, telephone number and email address. Also word count.
- Entries must be original work, must not have won a cash prize or been published for payment at closing date of competition.
- Copyright remains with the author. Entries will not be returned.
- The judge’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
If you require a copy of the results, send a standard DL sized stamped self-addressed envelope with your entry.
Cheques and money orders to be made payable to: The Fellowship of Australian Writers (do not abbreviate). No other form of payment will be accepted.
If you would like an individual judge’s appraisal, send an extra $10 with your entry and self-addressed envelope.
Send entries to: The Convenor, Mona Brand Competition 5/15 Bogan Road Booker Bay NSW 2257
Enquiries to Helen Luidens on 02 43632627 or [email protected]