In an era of increasing economic inequality and social alienation, community-building, collective political action and workers’ unions are more vital than ever.
How does money, time, and power alter our daily lives, limiting some while others rise to the ‘top’? In our work, our lives, and our communities, how should things be? How might we change our collective future?
The Fair Australia prize encourages artists and writers of fiction, poetry and essays to explore these questions. We want artists and writers to be part of setting a new agenda.
Winning entries will be published in a special Fair Australia edition in Overland 237, to be launched in Melbourne in early December.
The Fair Australia Prize is made up of 5 x $3000 prizes and 3 x $1000 union member prizes. There are prizes for:
- fiction (up to 3000 words)
- essay (up to 3000 words)
- poetry (up to 88 lines)
- cartoon or graphic (180 mm wide by 255 mm high)
- three best member entries (for NUW, MEAA and NTEU members only); these $1000 prizes are awarded to member entries in any of the above categories
Entry to the Fair Australia Prize is free. Enter via one of the category links at the bottom of the page.
Guidelines: please read and ensure eligibility before submitting.